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Single Point of Access (SPOA)

The Single Point of Access (SPOA) program is designed to help providers identify and assess individuals who have significant mental health, behavioral, and related needs and to connect and coordinate their needs and treatment with existing community services.  Lakeview Health Services offers SPOA Services for both adults and children.


Adult Single Point Of Access                                 

Ontario, Seneca and Yates Counties

Single Point of Access (SPOA) expedites access to care management, housing and Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) services for adults ages 18+ diagnosed with serious and persistent mental illness who are striving to remain healthy and stable in the community.

Lakeview Health Services coordinates the SPOA committee and the referral process for residents of Ontario, Seneca and Yates Counties. Services include care management, intensive case management, ACT Team services, and housing through Lakeview’s community residences, licensed apartments and supported housing programs.

Programs may be accessed by completing a SPOA referral form and supplying the required clinical documentation. Based on established eligibility criteria and identified need, the SPOA will make referrals to the most suitable programs. Referral forms may be completed by the individual’s clinician, who can expedite the process by submitting the necessary clinical documentation with the SPOA referral forms.

For referral assistance and addditional information, please contact Lakeview’s Outreach Advocates as follows:

  • Ontario County: (315) 789-0550

  • Seneca County:  (315) 789-0550

  • Yates County:     (315) 694-7347

Referral forms are available through area service providers, through the links below, or by calling the numbers above to request the Adult SPOA packet for the appropriate county.

Adult SPOA Referral Form Ontario or Seneca County: /sites/default/files/SPOAAdultReferralPacketAPR2019_0.pdf

Mail or fax the Ontario-Seneca County Referral Form with clinical documentation to:

  • Lakeview Health Services, Inc.,   Attention: SPOA,   611 W. Washington St., Geneva, NY  14456   Fax (315) 789-0555

Adult SPOA Referral Form Yates County: /sites/default/files/YatesAdultSPOAReferralPacket03082022.pdf

Mail or fax the Yates County Referral Form with clinical documentation to:

  • Lakeview Health Services, Inc.,  Attention: SPOA, 173 Main St., Penn Yan, NY 14527  Fax (315) 694-7326


Children & Youth Single Point Of Access   

Ontario County

The C&Y SPOA is responsible for implementation and management of the Single Point of Entry/Accountability program for community-based children and youth services for Ontario County. 

Lakeview Health Services coordinates the SPOA committee whose role is to identify those children with the highest risk of placement in out-of-home settings and to develop appropriate strategies to manage those children in their home communities whenever possible.  Services include case management, intensive case management, Functional Family Therapy Program (FFT),  Multisystemic Treatment Program (MST),  Home and Community Based Services Waiver Program (HCBS),  Community Residences (CR), Residential Treatment Facilities (RTF), and Finger Lakes Parent Network.   

Programs may be accessed by completing a SPOA referral form and supplying the required clinical documentation. Based on established eligibility criteria and identified need, the SPOA will make referrals to the most suitable programs. Referral forms may be completed by the individual’s clinician, who can expedite the process by including the necessary clinical documentation.

Referral forms are available through area service providers, by clicking the links below, or by calling 315-789-0550 to request a Children and Youth SPOA packet.

  1. Children and Youth SPOA Referral Form English: /sites/default/files/CYSPOAReferralEnglish2023Part1andPart2CoverSheet.pdf
  2. Children and Youth SPOA Referral Form Spanish: /sites/default/files/CYSPOAReferralSpanish2023Part1andPart2CoverSheet.pdf
For more in-depth information click on our Children and Youth Care Management tab below or call the C & Y SPOA Referral Coordinator at (315) 789-0550



Click Below to Download the

Ontario and Seneca County

Adult SPOA Referral Packet

Adult SPOA Referral Packet

Ontario and Seneca County: Mail or fax completed referral packet to:

  • Lakeview Health Services, Inc.
  • Attention: SPOA
  • 609 W. Washington St. Geneva, NY 14456
  • Fax: (315) 789-0555
  • Phone: (315) 789-0550